A Short Paragraph on A Road Accident – Pakilminfo

A Road Accident Paragraph

A few days ago, I had to go to Multan from Faisalabad. The bus was new and comfortable. There were only 25 passengers on the bus. The driver was driving a bit fast. A truck was coming at full speed from the opposite side. The truck driver tried to overtake the other vehicle. By doing so truck struck our bus with full force. This collision caused a great explosion. The front part of the truck was badly damaged.

Its engine became useless. The front part of the bus was totally ruined. Its driver died on the spot The truck driver was injured. He was arrested by the police. It was a horrible and terrifying scene. The passengers were screaming awfully. Luckily I was not injured. There was great weeping and crying. The passers took out the passengers. Two men and a woman had died. The dead bodies and injured persons were brought to the hospital, The dead bodies were handed to their heirs.

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