Our School Canteen Essay
There is a canteen in our school. It is situated in a corner of the school. The students and teachers buy edibles from it. It is run by Ghulam Sarwar. He is about forty years old. He has a smiling face. He is very polite to his customers. All kinds of edibles like fruit, sweets, tea, eggs, and chocolates are available.
We can buy these things at reasonable prices. Everything is kept covered to keep off flies. Most of the articles are kept in glass jars. Our canteen has stationery items also. We can buy books, exercise books, geometry boxes, rulers, pencils, removers, pens, ballpoints and markers.
During the recess period, there is a great rush at the canteen. All students have to buy one thing or the other. Most of the students take nan-Tikki, cold drinks, pastries and chocolates. There are separate arrangements for the teachers. Some of the teachers read newspapers.
Ghulam Sarwar tries his best to provide good articles to his customers. Our headmaster has appointed a senior teacher to supervise his shop. He is not allowed to sell substandard goods. He cannot sell things on credit. Indeed our school canteen is a reason for so many memories to us.